the point of solutions

PoINT Solutions

The modern challenges which have to be faced by companies of all size and branch within the IT infrastructure are enormous. Although that the data growth is the main reason for most of these challenges you will find functional and branch-specific challenges and so solution approaches can differ.


Das Icon stellt einen Objektspeicher dar und steht für Data und Storage Management.

Data & Storage Management

Intelligent storage management for cost-efficient data management and compliant file archival. More Information

Das Schubladen-Icon symbolisiert Archivierung, was mit der entsprechenden  Data & Storage Management Software einfach machbar ist.

File-based Archiving

Automatic, cost-efficient archiving in line with compliance requirements. More Information

Diese zwei Wolken stehen für Cloudarchivierung innerhalb des Data & Storage Managements.

Cloud and Object Storage Connector

Rules-based file tiering and archiving in cloud and object stores. More Information

Diese zwei Pfeile symbolisieren Filesystem Migration - ein Schritt innerhalb des Data & Storage Managements.

Filesystem Migration

Automatic, smooth migration of primary storage systems. More Information


Das Buch-Icon steht für Datenaufbewahrung innerhalb der Branche Forschung & Lehre, die auch Data & Storage Management betreiben müssen.

Information Lifecycle Management

Efficient data storage at different levels and with different technologies based on their lifecycle. More Information

Diese zwei Wolken stehen für Cloudarchivierung innerhalb des Data & Storage Managements.

Hybrid storage infrastructure

Combine different storage technologies and thus fulfil  requirements optimally. More Information

Das Abzeichen symbolisiert Dienstleister, die mit dem PSM kostengünstig archivieren und Data & Storage Management durchführen.

Infrastructure optimization

Create an infrastructure with better performance and more capacity within budget and archive data more effectively. More Information

Das Icon mit drei Köpfen soll die Industrie darstellen, in der effiziente Specherplattformen und Data & Storage Management nötig sind.

Vendor Independence

Utilize storage products from different manufacturers and create an economical storage infrastructure. More Information


Das Buch-Icon steht für Datenaufbewahrung innerhalb der Branche Forschung & Lehre, die auch Data & Storage Management betreiben müssen.

Research & Teaching

Cost-effective long-term storage of research and teaching data. More Information


Das Icon mit drei Köpfen soll die Industrie darstellen, in der effiziente Specherplattformen und Data & Storage Management nötig sind.


Cost-effective, efficient and secure storage platform, with archiving, in line with applicable compliance and retention requirements. More Information

Das Abzeichen symbolisiert Dienstleister, die mit dem PSM kostengünstig archivieren und Data & Storage Management durchführen.

Service Providers

Efficient, cost-effective, stringent storage platform with integrated archiving. More Information

Das Bankgebäude steht symbolisch für Banken, die regelkonform archivieren und Data & Storage Management durchführen müssen.


Efficient, secure and cost-effective storage platform within the framework of the required regulations. More Information

Independent of branch or size of the company, an efficient solution must be found for some or all of the following essential questions and issues:

  • How can we cope with the continuously growing data volume and how can we keep the cost for storage hardware within the budget?
  • How can we meet the requirements of Compliant Archiving?
  • How can we minimize the risk of data loss and which storage technologies are suitable for this purpose?
  • How can we consolidate existing storage systems and displace obsolete systems efficiently?
  • How can storage migration expected in the future incorporated in a storage concept to avoid business disruption?

These problems can be solved efficiently and precisely by intelligent storage management solutions. PoINT Software & Systems GmbH offers software solutions for these demands, which can be integrated into an existing storage infrastructure to meet current and future challenges.