EU Commission "Get Digital Award"

Our tape-based object storage PoINT Archival Gateway has been awarded as "Best Digital Solution" with the "Get Digital Award" of the EU Commission.
"Get Digital: Go Green & Be Resilient" is a joint initiative of European Commission DG GROW, DIGITAL SME, the Enterprise Europe Network, and the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). The initiative aims to promote innovation in European companies, focusing in particular on sustainability and independence of supply chains.
Software made in Germany

The Bundesverband IT Mittelstand e.V. (BITMi) awards the quality seal "Software made in Germany". PoINT Software & Systems is certified for the product PoINT Storage Manager - and thus for service, quality and future proofness.
Seal of approval "Innovativ durch Forschung"

Research is a central element for PoINT to secure the future viability of existing product lines and to provide customers with innovative solutions also in the long run. Therefore, PoINT participates in research projects and cooperates with renowned universities, such as the TU Dresden, which was appointed University of Excellence within the Excellence Initiative.
As one of the largest private business sponsors in Germany, the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. awards the seal "Innovativ durch Forschung". PoINT's commitment to Germany as a strong research and innovation location was recognized with the award of the seal.
Seal of the "Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage" (BSFZ)

Our development activities have been recognized by the "Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage" (BSFZ) as eligible for funding in the sense of the German "Forschungszulagengesetz".
The BSFZ confirms our innovation competence with its seal.