CEA Fontenay-aux-Roses has introduced a tiered storage architecture using PoINT Storage Manager and NetApp storage products. As a result CEA uses its primary data storage more efficiently by off-loading and archiving of inactive data from NetApp FAS primary storage to NetApp StorageGRID Webscale archive storage. All data remains permanently accessible through the NetApp ONTAP operating system. Overall, CEA realized significant cost and time savings mainly by reducing the volume of primary storage in use.

"We were convinced by the concept of the PoINT product and it was recommended by NetApp. By implementing PoINT Storage Manager we could not only reduce our costs for storage extensions considerably but also fulfill our archiving obligations. Especially the easy and homogeneous integration of NetApp StorageGRID Webscale into our existing infrastructure without any changes for users nor applications was decisive."
- Vincent Gerbe, CEA IT Manager
- Automated archiving of inactive files from NetApp FAS to NetApp StorageGRID Webscale
- Transparent file system access to archived data through NetApp FAS primary storage
- Recover valuable NetApp FAS primary storage space
Solution - PoINT Storage Manager
- Policy based tiering and archiving from NetApp FAS to NetApp StorageGRID Webscale
- Homogeneously integration of NetApp StorageGRID Webscale
- Transparent file access to archived files through NetApp FAS
- "Pass Through on read" functionality to prevent restore of archived files to NetApp FAS
- WORM, file versioning and authentication
- Efficient use of NetApp FAS system by recovering valuable primary storage space
- Fulfillment of archiving and compliance requirements
- Shrunken backup window
- Reduced capital expenses
- Native integration of NetApp storage